Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the PPC is on Tues 5 March 2024 at 6.30pm in the Haydock Centre.

If you would like the PPC to consider any items at its next meeting please email PPC Chair, Charles Roncoli via the parish office.

Our Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) “is a consultative body to enable the parish priest and people to work together to build up a dynamic Christian community that is characterised by faith, mission, worship and service”.

In particular the PPC facilitates the coordination of parish services regarding:

  1. proclaiming God’s Word and developing faith formation, especially for the young,

  2. fostering sacramental, liturgical and prayer life,

  3. supporting marriage and family life,

  4. enabling the lay faithful in their vocation of shaping society in accordance with the Gospel,

  5. strengthening commitment to social justice in caring for the poor and marginalised

and facilitates:

  1. fostering leadership in reaching out to young people in their journey of faith,

  2. welcoming new members especially those of different nationalities and culture,

  3. encouraging the parish to address social challenges by being sensitive to the needs of all.

At the AGM on 4 July 2023 the key appointments were:

  • Charles Roncoli Chair

  • Janice Wrench Secretary

  • Jane Plasom-Scott Treasurer

  • Sue Chandler Chair of Mission Life Group & Vice Chair

  • Martin Oakley Chair of Practical Management Group

FUTURE DATES OF PPC MEETINGS: AGM on Tues 2 July 2024 at 6.30pm, followed by a PPC meeting.

AVAILABLE ON THE NARTHEX NOTICEBOARDS: Approved Minutes of PPC AGM & meeting 4/7/23.

Parish representatives:


St. Catherine’s: Rosemary Oakley

St. Wulstan’s: Jeanette Haslam

Heath & Safety

St. Catherine’s: Martin and Rosemary Oakley

St. Wulstan’s: Paul Parkin