Blessing of St Catherine's Church Bell

If any parishioners are interested in helping with the bell ringing at 8.20am and 10.20am before Sunday morning Masses, please give Paul Harper a call on 07900 803178.

The bell at St. Catherine’s was blessed on Sunday 18 September, following its refurbishment and return to service after many years of rest! We remember our faithful benefactor the late Patricia Bille whose legacy to the St. Catherine’s has made this possible.

From the Book of Blessings: Bells have a special place in the life of God’s people: bells mark the hours of prayer and call us to the celebration of the liturgy; bells alert us to important events, both happy and sad, in the life of the Church and the community.

May your people hasten to your church when they hear the call of this bell. May they persevere in the teaching of the apostles, in steadfast fellowship, in unceasing prayer, and in the breaking of the bread. May they remain ever one in mind and heart to the glory of your name. Amen.