Families at St Catherine's

Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 10.30 Mass: Children of all ages are welcome. The children will be invited to come forward at the beginning of the Mass and then process to the Quiet Room. Helen, one of our catechists, explains what happens at the liturgy: In children's liturgy, the children firstly have time to reflect on their week and say sorry for what they have done wrong. They then listen to the Gospel and discuss it together. The children then complete a craft activity that reflects the Gospel message and write a prayer that will be read to the congregation when we go back into church towards the end of the Bidding Prayers.

The ‘Story Sacks’ are now available from the narthex again, for young children to use during Mass. The seating in the Lady Chapel area works well for young families.

CHILDREN’S MASS LEAFLETS for children of reading age are available here. Each week the leaflet has puzzles etc based around Sunday’s Gospel and a cartoon strip about the life of a Saint.