Parish Pastoral Council

The current chair, vice-chair, secretary and Deacon David are working with Fr. John to prepare a draft constitution for a new PPC for our Parish of St. John Boste. It is hoped that it will be available for consultation by the early Autumn. Some of the key features would be equal representation of ‘Parish Representative’ posts from Penrith, Alston and Appleby with Kirkby Stephen. It will be suggested the meetings (3 per year) move between our three churches with a Mass celebrated before the PPC meetings. There would continue to be a Mission Life Group and a Practical Management Group to feed into the PPC. More details in due course.

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes for 5 March meeting & the latest financial summary are on the noticeboard in the narthex.

The next PPC meeting (the final one in its current constitution) along with the AGM is on Tuesday 11 June at 6.30pm at Penrith.