100 Club

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Thank you for the great response to Christine’s appeal.

Envelopes are still available for new memberships and renewals. It would be great if we can get over 100 members this year to celebrate our joining together as one Parish!

For an annual subscription of £15 you get a chance to win prizes of £25, £15 and £10 every month and raise money for the parish.

Collect an envelope from the Narthex, fill in your name and address and either:

1) Set up an annual Standing order

Account name: LRCDTR

Sort code: 40-27-02

Account number: 31335200

Payment reference: Your surname/100 Club

Amount: £15.00 Start date: April


2) Enclose £15 cheque (made payable to St Catherine’s) or cash and return it to the Parish Office.

The list of winners for the month is displayed in the Newsletter and on noticeboards. Cheques are posted to home addresses promptly after each draw.

If you have already set up a standing order you don’t need to complete a new form. (If you’re not sure, contact the Parish Office.)