Haydock Community Centre

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Our Community and Parish Centre, recently opened in 2013, is intended to serve both the Catholic parish of St Catherine’s and our neighbouring community. 

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The Centre is situated behind St Catherine’s Church, Drovers Lane, Penrith and consists of a larger Hall capable of seating up to 55 people with kitchen and rest-room facilities with a smaller Quiet Room suitable for groups of up to 14.  The Hall is equipped with a kitchen, IT facilities, a reasonable storage area and a large glass frontage which opens onto an attractive grassed area.

It is a useful space for families with young children, for the more elderly of the community and for young and old with special needs.  Floors and corridors are levelled throughout making it easy of access to any with mobility needs.

The Centre also provides the parishioners of St Catherine’s with the space to fulfil our mission of prayer and catechesis and enables us to be an active parish of the 21st century.

Booking the Haydock Community Centre

Click on the diary for the Haydock Community Centre to see existing bookings. You can chose to view by week, month or as a list. Both available rooms are shown on the diary - the Hall (in blue) and the Quiet Room (in orange). You can get more detail of each booking by clicking on that entry in the diary.

Capacity  Hall: 55 seated;  Quiet Room: 14 seated.

User fee The charge per hour is £15 for the Hall and £7 for the Quiet Room. The Kitchen is included in every booking and is to be shared by all using the Centre at any given time. (Parish groups will be informed of the running cost for the time they use the Centre.)

If you would like to make an enquiry about a booking, please read the Conditions of Use, complete the Booking Form below and click Submit. We will get back to you to confirm the booking. Please note, your booking is not definite until we have contacted you to confirm.

If you have any questions, please call the Haydock Community Centre on 07804 195872 or email haydockcc@btinternet.com.

Booking Form